‘Bridge for Albania 2030’, the infrastructure program is presented, Rama: We aim for new spaces with European standards for administration and entrepreneurship

Today, the ‘Bridge for Albania 2030’, a development program that aims to transform public infrastructure in Albania, was presented at the Prime Minister’s Office. Prime Minister Rama said that this program aims to build new works in various fields, such as public infrastructure, administration, tourism, culture and society, based on the best European practices. TIRANA – Today, the ‘Bridge for Albania 2030’, a development program that aims to transform public infrastructure in Albania, was presented at the Prime Minister’s Office. During the presentation, Prime Minister Rama was present and said that this program aims to build new works in various fields, such as public infrastructure, administration, tourism, culture and society, based on the best European practices.
The Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation, Blendi Gonxhja, and the Executive Director of the “Albanian Investment Corporation”, Elira Kokona, are also participating in the activity, which is taking place in Tirana. The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, is also present.

‘Regarding the workspaces and in order to create partnerships so that the public sector can benefit from the development of public properties. We all have in mind the skeletons of factories or enterprises that continue to violate our landscape and are examples of past privatization processes that have, to a considerable extent, brought no result other than degradation. We are here to share with you a completely different approach based on the best experiences, starting from Italy and Spain. Which for many years have established structures similar to the investment corporation or AIC. Structures at the disposal of the public sector and serve as strong bridges with the private sector.

Today we are here to present some first projects, the result of international competitions, projects related to joint developments with entrepreneurship. They will be decided through open competitions. They aim to make available to the state new spaces with European standards for the activity of public administration and to provide opportunities for entrepreneurship to do business by entering into relations with the state,’ said Rama.

Rama emphasizes that to achieve these goals, the Albanian Investment Corporation will cooperate with sister institutions in Europe, creating opportunities for the transfer of knowledge and experience from countries with advanced development in this field.

‘Together with me is the Minister of Economy, Infrastructure and Culture, the Mayor of Tirana and the Director of the Investment Corporation, all together we will complete the mosaic for you and then we are available for any possible questions you may have about how it will work. This process will give us the opportunity to create an entrepreneurial profile for the public sector, it will put us in the club of countries that have these practices for many years and are consolidated. As a result, the state would not be deprived of participation in property development, and would receive benefits in the function of the public interest. But it will also be an actor along with a market actor.’
This cooperation with the private sector will be a mechanism that will enable the development of private property.

‘Through this instrument, we enable institutions to use the instrument to develop properties that serve public interests and enable entrepreneurship in many cases to use this instrument. No longer like in the past, when you had to give up that property without getting anything in return. But most of the time it remained an unfeasible procedure. Or do not react at all and thus suspend a private development opportunity. The process needs full recognition and dialogue to improve the mechanism. There is a need for transparency and clarity to guarantee competition, so that in the end all parties are satisfied.’

Adelina Greca, executive director of the National Agency for Territorial Planning, gave an overview of the projects of several new buildings in Tirana that will be put to the aid of public administration and private entrepreneurship. She presented projects such as the revitalization of the ‘Selman Stermasi’ Stadium, the new National Library near the artificial lake at the former Garda, or the Cadastre building.


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