Gjykata e Lartë jep vendim për çështjen e Ervin Salianjit, Salianji: “Vendim me ndikim politik”
Gjykata e Lartë ka hedhur poshtë rekursin e ish deputetit të PD Ervin Salinaji. Gjykata ka vendosur mospranimin e rekurseve të paraqitura nga të gjykuarit Jetmir Olldashi dhe Ervin Salianji,…
Sulmet e Ramës ndaj SPAK-ut vënë në dyshim përkushtimin e qeverisë për integrim
Në tryezën e negociatave me BE, qeveria është angazhuar për të ruajtur dhe përmirësuar reformën në drejtësi, por qëndrimet e fundit të kryeministrit Edi Rama cenojnë këto detyrime dhe parimet…
Dan Bongino appointed FBI deputy director by Donald Trump
President Donald Trump has nominated conservative journalist Dan Bongino as the next deputy director of the FBI to serve alongside Director Kash Patel. Bongino is a former Fox News host…
TOM DOSHI appears before SPAK
The leader of the Social Democratic Party, Tom Doshi, is this Monday morning at the premises of the Special Prosecution Office. He was seen unaccompanied and smiling as he entered…
Altin Dumani assumes the powers of Public Commissioner at the KPA from today
The Head of SPAK, Altin Dumani, begins today his duties as Public Commissioner in the Special Appeals Chamber. After the end of his mandate on December 31, 2024, the Public…
Serious Event in Tirana: Businessman Bujar Nasufi is executed near his apartment
Tirana Police have reported a tragic incident that occurred on Sunday evening, at around 20:40, near the “Palace of Arrows” on “Myrte Zeneli” Street. Bujar Nasufi, 56 years old, was…
Death of 14-year-old at QSUT, Korça Police makes official announcement: Leo Sadiku lost his life of natural causes, suffered cardiac arrest
Korça Police have made an official announcement about the death of 14-year-old Leo Sadiku, a resident of the village of Pocestë in Maliq. The minor lost his life at the…