Gjykata e Lartë jep vendim për çështjen e Ervin Salianjit, Salianji: “Vendim me ndikim politik”
Gjykata e Lartë ka hedhur poshtë rekursin e ish deputetit të PD Ervin Salinaji. Gjykata ka vendosur mospranimin e rekurseve të paraqitura nga të gjykuarit Jetmir Olldashi dhe Ervin Salianji,…
Arben Ahmetaj regjistrohet për të votuar tek lista e diasporës
Ish numri dy i qeverisë Rama, tani në kërkim të azilit politik në Zvicër rezulton të jetë regjistruar për të votuar tek lista e diasporës. Arben Ahmetaj nuk e ka…
“Qeveria miraton vendimin: TikTok mbyllet për 1 vit në Shqipëri”
Qeveria shqiptare ka vendosur të mbyllë për një vit rrjetin social TikTok. Zyrtarizimi i vendimit u bë i ditur nga ministrja e Arsimit, Ogerta Manastirliu, pas mbledhjes së qeverisë të…
Berisha: Nëse Engjëll Agaçi ka shtirur sëmundjen, atëherë është i pashpresë
Kryetati i PD, Sali Berisha në vijim të fjalës së tij, u shpreh në lidhje me gjendjen shëndetësore të Engjëll Agaçit, duke iu referuar mundësisë që ai të ketë kaluar…
Prostitution center discovered in Durrës, two Chinese citizens wanted
Two Chinese citizens have been declared wanted by the Durrës police and 7 other citizens have been criminally prosecuted on charges of exploitation of prostitution. As part of the police…
The police and RENEA were called, the girl is found alone in the apartment. Sources: She is in a serious psychological condition
New details come to light regarding the incident at Astir, which “brought RENEA to its feet”. Journalist Igli Celmeta reports for BalkanWeb that the girl was found alone in the…
Britain, “war” on immigrants/ Announces drastic sanctions, hits supply lines of inflatable boats and engines produced in China
This idea of the British government, in its effort to look different from the previous Conservative government that defeated it in the elections last July, seems harsh and new. It…
“Five percent of gross domestic product for defense”, reactions in Germany after Trump’s request: We are not in a bargain!
Even before he officially took office, Donald Trump is causing a stir. With his call for NATO countries to spend five percent of their gross domestic product on defense in…
“Albania was a black hole in the middle of Europe”, Rama: The epochal transformation in the energy sector began in 2013
Prime Minister Edi Rama has shared a video on the social network ‘Facebook’, showing how the energy sector has been transformed since 2013. Rama writes that ‘Albania was a black…
Government meeting, Minister Gonxhja gives the news: We approved the spring bonus for pensioners and the “Mountain Package”
Minister of Economy Blendi Gonxhja announced that the spring bonus for pensioners and the “MOUNTAIN PACKAGE” draft law were approved at the government meeting. “Today we approved the spring bonus.…