Dan Bongino appointed FBI deputy director by Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has nominated conservative journalist Dan Bongino as the next deputy director of the FBI to serve alongside Director Kash Patel.

Bongino is a former Fox News host and well-known conservative podcaster who endorsed Trump during the 2024 election. He is a close ally of Patel and will now serve directly under him at the FBI, according to a post from Trump on Truth Social late Sunday.

Earlier this week, Patel officially became FBI director after the Senate confirmed his nomination. Trump’s latest appointment is a sign that the president is intent on replacing the agency’s leadership with hard-line loyalists like Bongino.

In a follow-up tweet, Trump said: “Another aspect of Dan Bongino’s life that I think is very important. He has a wonderful wife, Paula, and two wonderful daughters who truly love their father. What an incredible job Dan will do!

Trump Post By Dan Bongino
Bongino and Patel will report directly to Attorney General Pam Bondi – Trump’s former defense attorney during his first impeachment trial.


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