Government meeting, Minister Gonxhja gives the news: We approved the spring bonus for pensioners and the “Mountain Package”

Minister of Economy Blendi Gonxhja announced that the spring bonus for pensioners and the “MOUNTAIN PACKAGE” draft law were approved at the government meeting.

“Today we approved the spring bonus. The new bonus will be distributed in this amount, i.e. 10 thousand lek for pensioners with a basic pension of less than 20 thousand lek per month, the bonus of 5 thousand lek will benefit those with a higher old-age pension.
Reconfirmation of the commitment that the spaces created by economic growth will result in benefits for citizens.
Today we also approved the draft law “Mountain Package” which is an initiative for the mountain economy, a draft law which encourages and brings an alternative approach to provide convenience and help so that the mountain economy, which in recent years has lagged behind that of urban and coastal areas, can be encouraged and seen as a priority”, he said.

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