TOM DOSHI appears before SPAK

The leader of the Social Democratic Party, Tom Doshi, is this Monday morning at the premises of the Special Prosecution Office.

He was seen unaccompanied and smiling as he entered the premises of the institution.
The reasons why Tom Doshi is at the SPAK premises are still unknown.
Tom Doshi recently declared that he will return to politics by running as an MP despite being declared “non grata” by the USA.
Doshi has been an MP with the SP for three terms, 2005, 2009, 2013. Meanwhile, although he ran in the 2021 parliamentary elections, Doshi resigned from the MP mandate he won on April 25, 2021.
In 2018, the United States of America banned him and his family from staying in America, because he was accused of “involvement in corruption of their magnitude.”


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