“DP ready for the May 11 elections: Bardhi gathers the group, Berisha in the field – key decisions for the ‘Primaries'”

The Democratic Party has already launched an organizational group regarding the May 11 elections.
The head of the DP parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, has announced the meeting of the group the next day at 14:00.

The focus of the meeting should be on the diaspora to do more in this direction.
At 17:00, the head of DP Sali Berisha will hold a meeting with the heads of the branches at the blue headquarters for the work field, which is expected to take up the issue of the primaries, which is also in the PD Statute.
It is learned that some DP functionaries are against the process, as they declare that it incites division and appeal for another solution. They cite Tropoja Municipality as an example, which as a result of the divisions in the Primaries, this municipality was not won by PD.
Berisha can use the preferential vote so that the Democrats choose their candidates.


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