Prostitution center discovered in Durrës, two Chinese citizens wanted

Two Chinese citizens have been declared wanted by the Durrës police and 7 other citizens have been criminally prosecuted on charges of exploitation of prostitution.

As part of the police operation codenamed “Storm 2”, after a 1-month investigation using proactive methods, citizens L. L., 38 years old and D. Zh., 46 years old, residing in China, were declared wanted on charges of “exploitation of prostitution”.

Also, criminal proceedings were initiated for the criminal offense of “Prostitution”, for the following citizens: L. L., 42 years old and L. Y., 35 years old, both residing in China; M. B., 21 years old, residing in Germany; J. D., 30 years old, R. A., 24 years old, J. L., 34 years old and A. L., 29 years old, all residing in Durrës.

From the investigations carried out, it is suspected that the 2 Chinese nationals who were wanted were using 2 other Chinese nationals for prostitution, in the premises that the latter 2 had rented.

As material evidence, sums of money obtained from prostitution, 7 mobile phones, 2 passports and other items were seized.


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