Serious Event in Tirana: Businessman Bujar Nasufi is executed near his apartment

Tirana Police have reported a tragic incident that occurred on Sunday evening, at around 20:40, near the “Palace of Arrows” on “Myrte Zeneli” Street. Bujar Nasufi, 56 years old, was shot with a firearm inside his vehicle, a Mercedes Benz C Class, losing his life as a result of his wounds.

The perpetrator, masked and armed, shot at the victim and then fled on a black motorbike towards the Selita area. At the scene, police found six shell casings, while the victim died during transportation to the Trauma Hospital.

An investigative group, under the direction of the Prosecutor’s Office, is working to clarify the circumstances of this assassination and to identify the suspected perpetrator or perpetrators. The police have set up checkpoints and are conducting intensive searches in the area to apprehend the suspects.

According to preliminary sources, Bujar Nasufi was the owner of a furniture store near the scene of the incident. He was described as a quiet man by his neighbors and did not appear to have had any previous conflicts. The victim was shot twice in the chest, while forensic expertise and further investigations are in progress to determine the motives of the crime.

The victim’s car has been sent to the Scientific Police for analysis, while his family members have been questioned to shed light on the circumstances that may have led to this tragic event.


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